
A long long long time ago I needed to find all rights that were set. So I wrote a script that lets me pipe the information to a CSV file.

There is a similar tool from Sysinternals called Access Enum, but:

It outputs a txt file that is harder to work with after. I didn’t think of it when I needed it done.

So grab it from the Technet Gallery page.

PS C:> Find-GrantedDirectoryRights -Path $Env:SystemDrive |Format-Table -Auto Path, FilesystemRights, AccessControlType, IdentityReference

Path            FileSystemRights AccessControlType IdentityReference
----            ---------------- ----------------- -----------------
C:                    AppendData             Allow NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users
C:                    -536805376             Allow NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users
C:                   FullControl             Allow NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM
C:                   FullControl             Allow BUILTINAdministrators
C:   ReadAndExecute, Synchronize             Allow BUILTINUsers