So Microsoft has released the latest version of the directory sync tools between your on-premise directory and the Microsoft Azure AD. So there is a load of information about it written on MSDN, but the information I was looking for I couldn’t find. With the new AAD Sync you can apply transformations, if a field is in the wrong place in your Active Directory you can let the sync tool take the data from another attribute in the AD. This is done by storing the data in the AAD Sync metaverse. The In rules populate the metaverse and the out rules populate services.
AttributeName | |
accountEnabled | |
accountName | |
assistant | |
authOrig | |
c | |
cloudAnchor | |
cloudFiltered | |
clouldLegacyExchangeDN | |
cloudMSExchangeArchiveStatus | |
cloudMSExchBlockedSendersHash | |
cloudMSExchDelegateListLink | |
cloudMSExchRecipientDisplayType | |
cloudMSExchSafeRecipientsHash | |
cloudMSExchSafeSendersHash | |
cloudMSExchTeamMailboxExpiration | |
cloudMSExchTeamMailboxOwners | |
cloudMSExchUCVoiceMailSettings | |
cloudMSExchUserHoldPolicies | |
cloudPublicDelegates | |
cloudSOAExchMailbox | |
cloudSourceAnchor | |
cn | |
co | |
comment | |
company | |
contributingConnectorExchange | |
contributingConnectorUser | |
countryCode | |
department | |
description | |
displayName | |
division | |
dLMemRejectPerms | |
dLMemSubmitPerms | |
domain | |
employeeID | |
employeeType | |
extensionAttribute1 | |
extensionAttribute10 | |
extensionAttribute11 | |
extensionAttribute12 | |
extensionAttribute13 | |
extensionAttribute14 | |
extensionAttribute15 | |
extensionAttribute2 | |
extensionAttribute3 | |
extensionAttribute4 | |
extensionAttribute5 | |
extensionAttribute6 | |
extensionAttribute7 | |
extensionAttribute8 | |
extensionAttribute9 | |
facsimileTelephoneNumber | |
givenName | |
homePhone | |
info | |
initials | |
ipPhone | |
l | |
legacyExchangeDN | |
mailEnabled | |
mailNickname | |
manager | |
middleName | |
mobile | |
msDS-HABSeniorityIndex | |
msDS-PhoneticDisplayName | |
msExchArchiveGUID | |
msExchArchiveName | |
msExchAssistantName | |
msExchAuditAdmin | |
msExchAuditDelegate | |
msExchAuditDelegateAdmin | |
msExchAuditOwner | |
msExchBlockedSendersHash | |
msExchBypassAudit | |
msExchBypassModerationFromDLMembersLink | |
msExchBypassModerationLink | |
msExchDelegateLinkList | |
msExchElCExpirySuspensionEnd | |
msExchELCExpirySuspensionStart | |
msExchELCMailboxFlags | |
msExchEnableModeration | |
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1 | |
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute2 | |
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3 | |
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute4 | |
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute5 | |
msExchHideFromAddressLists | |
msExchImmutableId | |
msExchLitigationHoldDate | |
msExchLitigationHoldOwner | |
msExchMailboxAuditEnable | |
msExchMailboxAudtiLogAgeLimit | |
msExchMailboxGuid | |
msExchMasteraccountSid | |
msExchModeratedByLink | |
msExchModerationFlags | |
meEchRecipientDisplayType | |
msExchRecipientTypeDetails | |
msExchRemoteRecipientType | |
msExchRequireAuthToSendTo | |
msExchResourceCapacity | |
msExchResourceDisplay | |
msExchResourceMetaData | |
msExchResourceSearchProperties | |
msExchRetentionComment | |
msExchRetentionURL | |
msExchSafeRecipientsHash | |
msExchSafeSendersHash | |
msExchSendersHintTranslations | |
msExchTeamMailboxExpiration | |
msExchTeamMailboxOwners | |
msExchTeamMailboxSharepointLinkedBy | |
msExchUserHoldPolicies | |
msRTCSIP-ApplicationOptions | |
msRTCSIP-DeploymentLocator | |
msRTCSIP-Line | |
msRTCSIP-OptionFlags | |
msRTCSIP-OwnerUM | |
msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress | |
msRTCSIP-UserEnabled | |
o | |
object-id | |
objectID | |
objectSid | |
objectSidString | |
objectType | |
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber | |
otherHomePhone | |
otherIpPhone | |
otherMailbox | |
otherMobile | |
otherPager | |
otherTelephone | |
ou | |
owner | |
personalTitle | |
photo | |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName | |
postalAddress | |
postalAddressIsValid | |
publicDelegates | |
pwdLastSet | |
secretary | |
seeAlso | |
sIDHistory | |
sn | |
soft-deleted | |
sourceAnchor | |
sourceAnchorBinary | |
sourceObjectType | |
st | |
street | |
streetAddress | |
targetAddress | |
telephoneAssistant | |
telephoneNumber | |
thumbnailPhoto | |
title | |
uid | |
unauthOrig | |
url | |
usageLocation | |
userCertificate | |
userPrincipalName | |
wWWHomePage |